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Our Services

Dutton Jones Associates Limited

Dutton Jones Associates provides HR consultancy, advice and support of the highest quality.

Our services include:

Human Resource Development

The practice helps organisations address people management challenges successfully. We help design, develop and implement practical strategies, to improve human resource development policies and procedures in the following areas:

  • Recruitment and selection
  • Induction/orientation of new people
  • Performance and skills development
  • Performance Management and review
  • Organisational planning
  • HR Strategy
  • Communication and employee involvement and participation
  • Management role definition
  • Management Competency Frameworks
  • Assessment and Development Centres
  • Management development
  • 360 degree feedback
  • Learning and development needs analysis

Investors in People

The Investors in People standard is a practical framework that any organisation can use to help ensure that its people management, planning and communication processes are working together to achieve its goals and targets.

As registered and quality assured Specialists, Dutton Jones Associates offers advice and guidance to help organisations make commitment to, achieve and maintain the Investors in People standard.

We also practice what we preach. We gained the Investors in People Standard in 1993 and have been successfully reviewed since then.

For further information contact www.investorsinpeople.co.uk or use the IIP link provided.

Management Development

The practice has a great deal of experience working with client organisations to identify the key management skills and behaviours they believe vital to their success. Projects have been managed where clients' managers have carried out self assessments and received feedback from colleagues to identify individual/team strengths and areas for learning and development. Once clear learning outcomes are agreed we can support the provision of coaching, mentoring, formal learning and action-based development to ensure appropriate skills and behaviours are developed.

Projects have included facilitating organisational management teams to develop their own business and employee development plans.

As a Registered Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Centre formal qualifications can be delivered where appropriate. These may be linked directly to the ILM framework or Endorsed bespoke activities. Visit the ILM website.

Research & Surveys

Find out what your people think of your organisation and use sound information and feedback from employees, volunteers, customers, potential customers, suppliers or service users to improve your processes, plans and services.

Specialist projects are undertaken for a wide range of clients in the public, private, voluntary and community sectors. We are experienced in both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Our projects have included electronic, postal and telephone surveys, face-to-face in-depth interviews and mystery shopper programmes. Projects have ranged from as few as 20 survey participants to over 2,000.

Our customer satisfaction surveys have provided evidence of service quality and information to inform service and organisation development.

Employee surveys have helped organisations implement development plans on the basis of sound information on needs and priorities. Follow-up surveys have provided organisations with the evidence of improvement and information for further development.

Learning and Skills Development Programmes

To help organisations maximise the potential of their people and to successfully address the challenges they and the organisation as a whole face today and in the future. We design, develop and facilitate a wide range of programmes, all designed to meet clients' unique needs, including:

  • Appraisal and development review skills
  • Coaching and mentoring skills
  • Communication skills
  • Corporate planning
  • Customer care
  • Effective meetings
  • Interviewing skills
  • Investors in People (internal facilitation)
  • Managing people
  • Marketing for success
  • Negotiating skills
  • Performance management
  • Presentation skills
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Sales management
  • Team building
  • Time management and personal effectiveness

Local Authorities
& Government Bodies

Investor in People - Registered Advisor Logo Welsh Assembly Government Logo Institute of Leadership and Management Logo CIPD Logo Institute of Business Consulting Logo
Dutton Jones Assistant
+44 (0)1656 722361 +44 (0)1656 721163 54 Enterprise Centre, Tondu, Bridgend CF32 9BS


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